Military Veteran

Military Veteran

Military Veteran

The focus of the military veteran’s curriculum is application of resilience strategies and social support as these are protective of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) and suicide, yet also improve academic retention and student success. The resilience course, an introduction to psychological resilience, is offered in conjunction with learning theory and leadership to encourage transfer of learning, that is, the ability to relate a concept from one subject area to another. The instruction uses a learner centered approach to problem based learning (PBL). PBL does not focus on defined solutions, rather it encourages group collaboration and communication by clarifying problems, brainstorming and structuring solutions. A cohort-based social framework provides a support system that reduces hyper-arousal and makes use of “veteranism,” or comradery, and trust. This approach does not pathologize readjustment, but instead focuses on resilience and education to practice positive adaptation in a nonclinical setting.

Program Overview

Overview of the program from the VA, The American Veteran.
SERV Program, The American Veteran

Case Study

Qualitative article from a returning military veterans perspective.
Case Study: A Hispanic Combat Veteran Returns to College

Pilot Study

A pilot study of the first military veterans cohort to complete the program.
Resiliency and Retention in Veterans Returning to College: Results of a Pilot Study


Purchase the Ebook:
A Community of One: Building Social Resilience
The lone wolf is a Hollywood myth. A healthy support system is one in which we both give and receive support. This book is about learning how to develop these crucial networks.


Purchase the Ebook:
Scholars in Camo
This Veterans Curriculum is purposefully designed to increase the likelihood of retention and graduation of learners in college settings by establishing an academic and social framework, which is intended to improve concentration, memory, problem solving, and learning, while minimizing social isolation.